
Our part to play was huge and included the rebranding of 86 shops in England, 54 shops in Scotland and 2 further shops in Wales. In addition to this there were a further 12 offices and hubs.


We were honoured to win the tender to design, roll-out and project manage the launch of Shelter’s new brand back in May 2021. We have many years of expertise under our belt and have performed similar work before for many leading brands but to also project manage this project from start to finish was really the natural progression for the business to undertake.

Shelter was founded in 1966 and raised 48.2 million pounds in 2020/21. Shelter helps people in housing need by providing advice and practical assistance, and campaigns for better investment in housing and for laws and policies to improve the lives of homeless and badly housed people.

We worked very closely with the relevant people directly at Shelter following a very tight schedule of works which we planned for in advance and managed each store systematically, installing expert teams into each store of which we worked closely with and project managed.

There was difficulties faced along the way, mainly due to the rearrangement of installations due to Covid 19 but other such reasons were that some shops had not been refurbished in line with our schedule. There was quite a few additional signage requirements too that were decided within days of the certain installation being completed, which is often the case with such large scale projects. We were able to work around these problems as and when they arose and still managed to proudly complete the project in the agreed timescale in 2022.

We loved working with Shelter and the massive achievement and sense of pride that we gained. We were able to meet their every request and brought the whole project in on time and within budget for them.

“I have worked alongside Matt for 12 months on the roll out of the new Shelter brand. We’ve had to install new fascias and internals across the country. Matt worked alongside us to take brand ideas and turn them into something creative, realistic and actionable. Shop by shop we worked on designs and installed them, from small boutiques to large format furniture stores. With projects like this, there will always be challenges, but whatever they were, Matt and his team were flexible and proactive. We had very clear communications throughout and the project was delivered on time and under budget.”


– Richard Hudson, Senior Retail Marketing Manager

We are now well underway with our next large scale rebrand project and cannot wait to bring you our next case study to read!
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